Monday, June 14, 2010

Street Art Scanvenger Hunt

We are excited to announce that Five Points Theater is bringing to Jacksonville a film by world renowned street artist Banksy, Exit Through The Gift Shop. Urban Jacksonville Weekly will be broadcasting live at the theater for the opening on June 24th.

Join Bike Jax This Saturday for the Street Art Scavenger Hunt.

6 winners will receive passes for free admission to the film.
Everyone that participates in the scavenger hunt will receive a certificate for a free beer compliments of Five Points Theater.

How the Scavenger Hunt Works:
It’s really quite simple, you will be given a clue sheet to a location of the art where you will photograph what you find. Each item on the list will have point value. Winners will be determined by total points and time at finish.

You will need:
A Bike and a Camera or phone with Camera


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